Membership Information for Mid-Western Educational Research Association

Our Mission:
The mission of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association is threefold: 1) to disseminate educational research conducted in the central states and provinces of North America, 2) to promote a collegial research culture in the region, and 3) to provide a forum for mentoring the research skills of graduate students and junior faculty members. Membership is open to teachers, administrators, graduate students, and educational researchers from any school, college, or university; from business or industry; or from governmental or private agencies and organizations. In addition to supporting the organization, the annual dues (Jan-Dec) include regular updates from the organization and the MWER journal, and opportunities to share your research with other MWERA members.

MWERA primarily serves members from the following states.

However, we have members from all over the world, and individuals from any region or country are welcome to join and participate in MWERA.

MWERA Divisions:

A: Administration, Organization & Leadership
Supports an examination of sources and types of educational leadership, including administrators and others inside and outside schools, and the effects of leadership on educational institutions.

B: Curriculum Studies
Advances theory and research on curriculum as well as the use of research findings in curriculum practice.

C: Learning and Instruction
Promotes the study of learning and instruction in formal and informal settings across the lifespan and among diverse populations.

D: Measurement and Research Methodology
Focuses on educational measurement, psychometrics, and assessment; quantitative methods and statistical theory as applied to educational research; and qualitative and evaluation methods as applied to educational research.

E: Counseling and Human Development
Encourages research on human behavior, development, and interactions across the life span; and promulgates the judicious use of psychosocial and educational procedures in educational settings.

F: History and Historiography
Explores the history and historiography of education broadly from national, international, and comparative perspectives, and provides historical context for the formation of educational policy.

G: Social Context of Education
Promotes research on relations between educational processes and the social, political, and economic contexts in which they occur; and advances cross-disciplinary studies.

H: Research, Evaluation, & Assessment in Schools
Enhances our schools by focusing on applied research, program evaluation, assessment, and accountability.

I: Education in the Professions
Focuses on the context and conduct of scientific inquiry addressing education for professional practice disciplines (e.g., architecture, engineering, health professions, law, teaching), from the level of higher education through lifelong learning and assessment.

J: Post Secondary Education
Serves as an international forum for policymakers, faculty, graduate students, and other researchers to promote and advance research, policy, and practice in all areas of postsecondary education.

K: Teaching and Teacher Education
Focuses on research on teaching and on teacher development and education from preservice through professional induction to the in-service stages of teachers' careers.

L: Educational Policy and Politics
Stimulates informed and systematic analysis, research, evaluation, and debate about the education policy, including political, economic, legal, and fiscal issues.

Mid-Western Educational Researcher (2-4 online issues per year) Research Reports, Reviews, Scholarly Articles The journal is available online.

Annual Meeting:
For information on the Annual Meeting, see here.

Conference Registration - with membership included : $130-$260
Professional Member: $60
Retired Professional Member: $30
Student: $30
Life Member: $600

To join MWERA:
Use our SSL secure online store to pay for your membership online, or print this membership form and mail it with a check or money order payable to MWERA to:

Sharon Stevens, MWERA Executive Director